This gets used as a term so often when you work in IT, but it rings true based on what I've seen and experienced over the years. You always need to be learning, using different modalities and in different focus areas that are relevant to your current and future roles in IT. Each of us are different learners and respond to different inputs - you need to figure out what are yours and what keeps you engaged.
This is part three of a multi-part keynote I co-created and delivered with Orin Thomas. Orin and I have lots of thoughts in this area. Orin is very much an academic on how he approaches learning, I am much more of a hands on visual learner.
You have to invest in your skills and areas of expertise while also growing areas you aspire to move into. This requires that you take the time to block out learning time in your schedule while also coupling it to career growth. Orin shares his personal experience of becoming a better learner through research and analysis associated with his postgraduate education. I'm more of a hands on learner that takes it to the next level by teaching / sharing knowledge with others. This gives me the opportunity to reinforce what I've learned by creating content or writing labs for others in order to help deepen my understanding and promote effective retention. Whatever mode works for you - stick with it. It's got to be motivating and it needs to become a habit.
I hope you enjoyed part 3. I am glad I was finally able to get these out and available to you. I do not regret prioritizing learning and focusing my efforts in areas that would drive success in my current roles and set me up for future roles.