Working in IT means you have to get used to "New things" and how they integrate into your environment. Change is the only constant, right? How do you decide what you should focus on learning in depth vs just enough to understand?
This is part 2 of a multi part keynote I co-created and delivered with Orin Thomas. Orin and I have lots of thoughts in this area. You could go with an "it depends" type of consulting answer, but ultimately we are all faced with the very real issue of scarcity for one of our most valuable resources - our time and attention.
Generally IT folks are problem solvers and troubleshooters who mature into more strategic thinkers. One approach that has served me well has been to be "T-Shaped" for depth of knowledge on certain areas of importance to the business and an appropriate level of depth across the rest of the spectrum. Linking back to "what's important to the business" is critical - what problem does this new technology SOLVE that I am faced with today? If you can't clearly link the technology to a direct problem - maybe this warrants more of a general awareness level of depth so you can file it away for some time later. Protect that valuable resource of time and attention - it's something you can't get back once spent.
I hope you enjoyed part 2. I am glad I was finally able to get these out and available to you. Thinking back - what technologies / solutions did you run into over your career and subsequently invested in that you now consider KEY to your success?